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My name is Julia. I started sewing in July of 2008 when we wanted to have a play for the Fourth of July. I thought it would be fun to dress up. So I looked in our very full pattern drawer, and found a colonial dress pattern.

I decided to try sewing it (I had only sewn a two piece dress before, and a few other little things). So I started following the directions, and asked my Mom when I got stuck. Well, it turned out not enough people showed up, so we didn’t do the play. But, I loved the dress, so I wore it all week (all the time, for that matter).

That December I made three more colonial dresses. Since then I’ve made over 20 more dresses. Some for me, and some for my Mom & sisters. I also made a colonial coat, vest, and knickers for one of my little brothers, which he loved. Now my youngest brother loves it too, though he doesn’t quite fit it any more. (Updated as of 1/24/2012)

A Quaint Cottage

I am now blogging at my new site… ReformStead.com.

Come on over and check it out!

See you there. 🙂

Reform Stead